Nina Beltran was featured as a trainee author in a recent issue of JPET!
Doctoral candidate Nina Beltran recently published a first-authored paper in JPET and was selected as the October 2024 Highlighted trainee. Visit the links below to see the JPET Highlight, a recent write up about Nina in an issue of the Pharmacologist, and her recent publication below!
Nina Beltran selected to participate in the Scientist Mentoring & Diversity Program (SMDP) in Biotechnology!In Spring 2024, Nina was selected to be an SMDP fellow! Through this program, Nina will gain mentorship from an industry professional as she prepares for the job market and learns more about careers in pharmaceutical, medical technology, biotechnology and consumer health industries.
Serafine Lab Receives NIH Grant to Study Opioid Use Disorder and Pain Management in Animal Models!In Summer 2023, Dr. Serafine was awarded an NIH R16 Support for Research Excellence (SURE) research grant to investigate the impact of dietary intake on sensitivity to opioids in the context of pain management and opioid use disorder, using animal models. This is a four year grant that will support research expenses and student researchers! To read more about the recent award, see the link below to NIH RePORTER!
Nina Beltran selected for Science Advocacy Fellowship!Nina Beltran was selected to be one of 10 ASPET Washington Fellows for 2024! Through this program Nina will expand her science communication skills to advocate to elected officials about continued scientific funding. Read more at the link below!
Dr. Serafine featured as an expert on animal research in new "Ask an Expert" seriesDr. Serafine was featured in a new series called "Ask an Expert" through Biomedical Research Awareness Day (BRAD) a program from Americans for Medical Progress to increase awareness about the critical role of animals in research. View the video series by clicking the "Ask an Expert" button or head to the BRAD website for more information & resources.
Research collaboration between Dr. Serafine and Dr. Charles at USM featured by UTEP NewsA new collaborative project between Dr. Serafine and Dr. Charles, a clinical psychologist at the University of Southern Mississippi was recently featured by UTEP news. Read more by clicking the link for UTEP News.
UTEP researchers to investigate stress among immigrant women on the US-Mexico BorderA UTEP research team including Dr. Serafine was recently awarded funds from the National Science Foundation to study stress among immigrant women in the El Paso, TX region. Dr, Serafine's role as Co-PI includes the analysis of cortisol levels (a stress hormone) from human participant samples. Read more in the UTEP press release!
Two Serafine Lab Trainees win poster awards at UTEP Research Symposium!Congratulations to senior Nina Beltran (left, ASPET SURF Fellow and RISE Scholar) for winning best poster presentation and to freshman Madeline Elsey (right, BUILDing Scholar) for winning honorable mention in life sciences at the summer 2019 UTEP COURI symposium!
Nina Beltran featured in two recent news articles!Senior Nina Beltran was recently featured in two news articles. She was featured in the June issue of The Pharmacologist for her recent selection to be an ASPET SURF fellow for summer 2019. Nina was also interviewed by UTEP Magazine and is featured in a recent article highlighting UTEP as one of the top U.S. universities producing Hispanic graduates continuing to earn doctoral degrees in STEM fields. Congratulations, Nina!
MERITUS Fellow Ethan Hardin wins award at National Scientific Meeting!Ethan won 2nd place undergraduate poster in the Division of Behavioral Pharmacology at the 2019 meeting of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics at Experimental Biology in Orlando, FL! Congratulations, Ethan!
Dr. Serafine selected to be the next ACNP/AMP BRAD fellow!Dr. Serafine was selected to be the next Biomedical Research Awareness Day (BRAD) fellow through the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) and the Americans for Medical Progress (AMP). As a BRAD fellow, Dr. Serafine will help advocate for the use of animals in biomedical research and raise public awareness about careers in neuropsychopharmacology!
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Special Issue of Physiology & Behavior focused on Sex DifferencesDr. Serafine and Behavioral Pharmacology Laboratory members Jeremiah Ramos, Caroline Hernandez-Casner, and research rotation student Bryan Cruz published a paper in a special issue of Physiology and Behavior entitled Hormones, Sex Differences, and Drug Response.
NIH BUILDing Scholar Caroline Hernandez-Casner wins award at national scientific meeting!Caroline Hernandez-Casner won best undergraduate poster in the Division of Behavioral Pharmacology at the 2018 meeting of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics at Experimental Biology in San Deigo, CA! Congratulations on this major accomplishment, Caroline!
SMARTMIND Student Carli Poisson wins Best Poster Presentation!Carli won best poster presentation at the Summer 2016 UTEP COURI symposium! Congratulations, Carli!
NIH BUILD scholar
Dr. Serafine interviewed by "El Faro"Dr, Serafine was interviewed for the winter 2015 issue of the quarterly newsletter from the National Hispanic Science Network.
Press ReleasesDr. Serafine participated in press conferences and press releases focusing on the annual meeting of Behavior, Biology, and Chemistry: transnational research in addiction.
Scientists hunt for ways to fight addictionDr. Serafine was interviewed by the San Antonio Express News about her research.
Article Highlighted in issue of JPET!Dr. Serafine's recent publication was featured as a highlighted article in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics!